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AS5600 Magnetic encoder module
With this compact module, you can achieve ultra-precise measurement of the angle and the number of rotations of your mechanical devices.
The module AS5600 from Rocket Launcher is an easy to program magnetic rotary position sensor with a high-resolution 12-bit analog or PWM output. This contactless system measures the absolute angle of a diametric magnetized on-axis magnet. This chip AS5600 is designed for contactless potentiometer applications and its robust design eliminates the influence of any homogenous external stray magnetic fields. The industry-standard I²C interface supports simple user programming of non-volatile parameters without requiring a dedicated programmer. An easy start and stop position programming in a so called “3 wire mode” without a programmer or digital interface is also implemented. The default range of the output is 0 to 360 degrees. The AS5600 can be applied to smaller range by programming a zero angle (start position) and a maximum angle (stop position). The AS5600 is also equipped with a smart low power mode feature to automatically reduce the power consumption. The maximum steps that can be programed per revolution is 4096, this give you the ultra-presicion of 0.08789 degrees per step.
This module includes the 6-pin header and a diametral neodimium magnet of 5x2.5mm. For the mechanical and electronical information, see the tab "Attachments".